Home > Uncategorized > 将来日本語の先生に?


  • 2006-04-19 (Wed) 19:13
  • Uncategorized


Here I am again, summer class is going on. It started yesterday and of course I miss my school. Classes will be from April 17 to May 26. And to improve my knowledge about my course, I continue to study. The second thing I want to do to my life is to study Japanese and French language. Why it is so?Because I want to travel in Japan and in other countries. Maybe its interesting to study different languages. As well as it is useful when I am out from Philippines. I can say to my self that I accomplish something that is worthwhile. So far, I learn a little bit about japanese language and I want to learn more. Because this next generation, I am the future Japanese teacher to be! He!he!he!

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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 06-04-20 (Thu) 6:37

Aloha! I’m happy to hear you learn Japanese. I think Filipinos have linguistic attainments. Filipinas understand Tagalog, English, your own dialect, and Japanese at Omise, right? At least 4 languages!! Amazing! I bet you can be a professor of linguistics.

Leonor 06-04-20 (Thu) 19:47

Aloha Ricky! Good evening! It would be great if I know all languages around the world…Then I can be an interpreter. Don’t you think so?

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