Home > Uncategorized > フィリピンの養鶏所


  • 2006-03-30 (Thu) 20:13
  • Uncategorized


It is a wide area of land with many roosters surrounds it. A place for raising roosters…have you seen like this before? Roosters are hiding on it. Maybe it is not familiar to you blog viewers but it is the precise place where roosters grow. Now you can picture it out especially if you wanted to be it real…

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Comments (Close):4

Ricky 06-03-31 (Fri) 8:39

Aloha Leonor. I’ve never seen that. How interesting! Are all of these roosters for Sabong?

Leonor 06-03-31 (Fri) 11:28

Aloha! Yup…all of it! In Hawaii, is there a place looks like it?

Ricky 06-03-31 (Fri) 12:36

I’ve never heared. Essentially the cockfighting is banned here under the state law. Cock gamers are breeding roosters individually and go to the mainland for trading and games. Sometimes they secretly hold…………oops, danger, danger!

Leonor 06-03-31 (Fri) 18:52

Aloha!likewise here is also strictly prohibited…but if there is permission from the local government then it is very ok..just for fun!

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