Home > Uncategorized > 暑い


  • 2006-03-31 (Fri) 22:33
  • Uncategorized


Hello blog viewers! I hope all of you have a nice day for today! Today, is the starting time to go in a mall won’t you???… breath the cool air…and feel coolness of the aircon in the mall. Now, the rays of the sun strikes me on is really bad. I feel I am inside the oven, roasted like a chicken…can you imagine it? Summer splash!!!

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Comments (Close):4

Ricky 06-04-01 (Sat) 5:51

Unlike the Philippines, Hawaii has been caught in thunderstorms these days. It’s cold without aircon. I miss sunshine! I envy you, Leonor.

Leonor 06-04-01 (Sat) 14:37

Aloha! Good noon! let us exchange our position…hehehe!I miss cold!

Ricky 06-04-01 (Sat) 18:54

Ha,ha. That’s a great idea! Yesterday a thunder struck the Aloha Tower. It’s scary.

Leonor 06-04-01 (Sat) 20:57

Good evening Ricky! Really???Does your house in the City?I hope it will not go on so much bad.

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