Home > Archives > 2009-05-28


Building a Pyramid of Cards


Have a great day to all blog viewers! How are you doing now? I hope all of you are doing well. By the way, do you know how to build a pyramid using of cards? Well, this is how to build it, start with a full deck of playing cards.Take two cards and stand them up on a table so they touch each other, forming a triangle. This alone will be the most difficult step of forming the pyramid, practicing so the cards stand upright without falling over. Repeat the step of forming triangles with cards, placing them side by side each other. Continue until you have about four or five triangles (more or less, depending on how big you want the pyramid to be).Place cards on top of the triangles, so that one card balances on the points of two triangles. This will take one less card than the number of triangles you have (four cards for five triangles). Stack another row of triangles on top of the cards you placed over the first row. There should be one triangle directly on top of one card.
Continue the process until you finish with one triangle on top of one card to complete the top of your pyramid. Did you get it? I hope you know already how to build it.

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