Home > Archives > 2008-05-03


A beautiful pet

  • 2008-05-03 (Sat)
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Good day blog viewers! How are you there? I hope you are enjoying your weekend with your best friend. Not a human friend but an animal pet. It sounds familiar to you because a lot of you walking on subdivisions together with your pet. I hope I’m not mistaken about it. A pet could be your companion at your house. By the way, if you are a pet what would you like be and why?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

Beautiful Girls

  • 2008-05-03 (Sat)
  • Uncategorized


Hello blog viewers! Good day to all of you! I hope all of you will enjoy the weekend. But by the way, have you heard the song entitled beautiful girl? Well, dedicated to all beautiful girls I posted on my blog. Do they make you crazy? Is it true? Or they let you to think of suicidal when it’s over. I hope you know this song and let me know if this happen on real life. Have a nice day!

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

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