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The Longest Line Game

  • 2007-12-30 (Sun)
  • Uncategorized


こんにちは!ウィークエンドは如何ですか?楽しいんでいますか?これは”The Longest Line game”です。ルールは簡単です。身につけているものを使って、一番長いラインを作った人が勝ちです。みんな楽しんでいます。大人はしない方が良いですね???

Have a good day blog viewers! How’s your vacation for this weekend. I hope all of you will enjoy this New Year’s Day. This is the usual game of Filipinos and this is known as “The Longest Line game”. A very unique one and full of laughters especially the innocent faces of the kids. Anything they had from their body is needed to form a longest line.They don’t care even if they got nude but the only thing on their mind is to create a long line so that they will achieve what they aiming for and that is to win. So this is it! They are enjoying what they are doing. I hope you guys won’t do like this if you are an adult. You are crazy if you do. Have a nice day!

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