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City of Smiles

  • 2007-10-07 (Sun)
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こんにちは!元気ですか?バコロッド市にはマスカラフェスティバルがあります。10月第三週の週末から11月の19日まで、行われます。フェスティバルは食品の販売、マスクコンテスト、ブラスバンド、ビューティーコンテスト色々な催し物があります。クライマックスはパレードです。それぞれマスクを付けてラテンのリズムで踊ります。バコロッド市は”City of Smiles”として有名です。暖かい心の人が沢山いますよ。

Hello blog viewers! How’s your day? By the way, we are on the Masskara Festival of Bacolod City. Bacolod’s most popular fiesta, is celebrated on the third weekend of October closest to October 19, the city’s charter day anniversary. Festivities kick off with food fairs, mask-making contests, brass band competitions, beauty and talent pageants, a windsurfing regatta, drinking and eating contests, trade fairs and exhibit. The climax is a mardi-gras parade where revellers don elaborate mask and costumes and dance to Latin rhythms Rio de Janiero style. Bacolod City is known as the the “City of Smiles”. The Bacolod, as they are called, are proud of their culture as being strong willed with a warm heart.

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