Home > Archives > 2007-06-24


Tuna Sandwich

  • 2007-06-24 (Sun)
  • Uncategorized



Have a pleasant day blog viewers! By the way, have a nice weekend for tomorrow. This day I will give you the procedure of making a tuna sandwich. The first thing you have to do, is to prepare all the necessary ingredients such as the loaf bread, tuna, mayonnaise, grinned onions, and exceptional garnish including leafy vegetables and ring-shaped fresh tomato. Next, drain the tuna juice and separate the tuna meat into the bowl, mix the tuna, onions and mayonnaise. Stir them until it come up to a tuna spread, then cut the loaf and put the tuna spread on it, after which you can put some garnish to have a good design. Lastly, wrap the tuna sandwich on a piece of tissue so that presentable to the customers or buyers. So, you viewers, could you come up this kind of sandwich by yourself? If you think for a business,don’t hesitate to do like this…this is good for you!

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