Home > Archives > 2007-05-15



  • 2007-05-15 (Tue)
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Good evening blog viewers! How are you today? Since yesterday, Filipinos were busy during elections, after all, there is also fun behind of it. In another world of fashion we called gown fashion show. On this show, through modelling of beautiful ladies, designers of gown are very proud of what they created. Gowns are designed by different designers here in Bacolod City. They show their talents through creative and artful designs. Do you know who are they? Well, they are men not women…And its true. This is I really believe that men have creative thinking also and not only women can do such things. I hope they will be successful!


にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 


  • 2007-05-15 (Tue)
  • Uncategorized


こんばんは!元気ですか?フィリピンでは2007年の選挙が6AMから5PMまで行われました。この選挙はSenatorial Electionと呼ばれます。沢山の候補者が出馬しますが12名のみ選ばれます。候補者のバーナーは写真のように貼られます。

Good evening blog viewers! How are you today? What’s new about there? Anyway, here in the Philippines, year 2007 election is on going starting 6am to 5pm. This election is called Senatorial election, among many candidates running for senators, only 12 top candidates will take the position. And of course same in the provinces, from congressman to councilors…Banners of candidates are being posted on the post as on the picture I posted. This is one way to recognize the candidate he is running to. Other form is on the pamphlets in which you will know his platform or standing why he run for this position. So how about you there? Is the election same as here?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

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