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Christmas tree



Hello blog viewers! Good evening to all of you! Christmas season is not complete without the symbolic Christmas tree. This christmas decoration is a Western tradition that has been adopted through years. Often you ask yourself what is the purpose of the christmas tree, well it is the symbol of the never ending celebration of christmas because tree symbolizes life. In the Philippines, there are many forms of christmas tree made from different native materials such as bamboo,coconut tree, and etc. As you notice from this picture, this christmas tree is very simple yet beautiful. Every year in every place there is a different design form and sizes of this christmas tree. Some spend about 20,000 pesos at most in just a christmas tree. How about in your place? Do you have christmas tree that you will be proud of?


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  • 2006-12-21 (Thu)
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Have a pleasant evening to all of you blog viewers! How are you today? By the way, have you seen a Belen, a miniture or a life size representation of Jesus, Joseph, Mary and the three wise men during the first Christmas. This is a symbolic figures that represents the birth of Christ in the stable. Catholics, especially in the Philippines usually puts this images in various places where many people pass by. This is called the “Belen”, it is usually seen when Christmas season is approaching. There are many types of Belen, there are those made of native materials and those made in synthetic materials. This is also a reminder that Christ came in this world two thousand years ago. How about you? How do you prepare for Christmas?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

Like a virgin

  • 2006-12-19 (Tue)
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こんばんは!元気ですか?これは私達の会社のクリスマスパーティーの楽しいプレゼンテーションです。何で面白いのでしょうか?最初彼女は”like a virgin”を歌いました。私達は彼女がバージンで無い事は分かります。へ!へ!へ!明らかでしょう?馬鹿みたいです???そして彼女のガウンを脱ぎ捨てました。そしてセクシーで無い身体を披露しました。彼女が私達の上司を引き付けている間中、笑いました。こんな事を彼女がするなんて信じられません???

Good evening blog viewers! How are you today? This was the funny presentation during our company’s christmas party. Do you want to know why funny? At first, she sang the song “like a virgin”, and we knew that she was not a virgin anymore, he!he!he! Is it obvious? And also her costume was funny to watched because the wedding gown was paired into a sport shoes. It sounds crazy??? And of course in the middle of the presentation she begun to take off her gown, and showed her not sexy body. Everyone of us laughed while she was seducing one of our boss. She made quite an impression. Many of us really don’t believe that she could do it. What do you think of her?


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