Home > Archives > 2006-11



  • 2006-11-18 (Sat)
  • Uncategorized



Good evening blog viewers! How do you do? I hope you enjoy your day. By the way, a lot of people are now looking forward for the coming of Christmas season. 36 days more to go and christmas will soon to experience. Maybe some are excited to see their far away relatives and soon to comeback in their own provinces to spend christmas in their family. Others may not excited because nothing new to them. But for sure, most people prepare for christmas decorations in their houses so that to feel the spirit of christmas within the family. Christmas trees and christmas lights are the most common decorative things since before during christmas season. What about you there, have you already prepare your christmas trees?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 



Hello blog viewers! Good evening to all of you. This is the delivery van of the country’s premier carrier company, LBC. They are been in the carrier business for over 15 years. Their services includes mailing letters, sending money from local to local, national to local, and national to international or vice versa, they also carry packages and volume of ordered items anywhere around the world. This company is linked to other international carrier company such as UPS, DHL and many other. Their charging prices basing from the weight. You can be assured of 100% efficiency of their service. By the way, do you patronize any carrier company?If you do, what is it?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

San Sebastian Cathedral

  • 2006-11-14 (Tue)
  • Uncategorized


こんばんは!この写真はバコロッドの歴史です。スペイン統治時代に建てられた、サンセバスチャン教会です。パブリックプラザの右、ラ コンソレーション カレッジの隣の街の中心にあります。数世紀の間歴史的な出来事に立ち会いました。バコロッドのカソリック信者が集まる中心です。。何千人もの信者がいます。貴方の場所にも歴史的な場所はありますか?

Have a pleasant evening to all blog viewers! This picture represents the colorful history of Bacolod. This is the San Sebastian Cathedral built during the Spanish Era. It is located in the center of the city right in front of the public plaza and besides La Consolacion College. Over the past centuries this has undergone a lot of significant events that form the part of history. This is also the center of Catholic faith in the Bacolod Diocese. The Cathedral can accommodate up to a thousands of faithful Catholics. Isn’t it huge? How about in your place do you have similar historical place?

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

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