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Bar Hopping in the Beach

  • 2008-04-23 (Wed) 21:15
  • Uncategorized


Good day blog viewers! How many of you likes to go on bar to bar? I know that guys are very much interesting and fun of it. A little break from tiredness of work. Am I right? But why do these women likes to go on bar? They grouped themselves and enjoy drinking tequilla. I hope their boyfriends won’t dislike them of what they are doing. But the big question is do they have a boyfriend?

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Comments (Close):4

Kirin 08-04-24 (Thu) 5:01

oh! where is this bar? I want to go there!

hayato 08-04-24 (Thu) 11:30


Leonor 08-04-24 (Thu) 18:42

Hello kirin! You know boracay beach? Just find the bar there, i don’t know the name by the way.

Leonor 08-04-25 (Fri) 19:02

Hello Hayato! Yes, they are happy as long as they will always go in the bar. Just like escaping from their home.

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