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Lechon Baboy

  • 2008-01-01 (Tue) 19:53
  • Uncategorized


こんにちは!今年最初の日は如何ですか?忙しいですか?フィリピンでは、”Lechon Baboy”を、よくこの日に食べます。3000ペソから4500ペソです。ハイカロリーなので高血圧の人には、あまりよくはありません。

Good day to all viewers! How’s the 1st day of New Year? I know all of you are all busy for this event.By the way, New year is not complete without the “Lechon Baboy”. The usual food preparation on special occasion because it can cater/ available to many persons. About P3,000 to P4,500 is the price of lechon. Just be sure to eat minimum amount of it because it is the usual cause of death. Hypertension or High Blood may the real cause because of its high calorie of fats. Enjoy the New Year’s Day to everybody!!!

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Comments (Close):4

Ricky 08-01-03 (Thu) 16:11

Aloha and happy new year, Loenor!
I love Lechon but it’s not served this new year’s day. I ate Pancit.

Leonor 08-01-04 (Fri) 20:08

Hello Ricky! Pancit means long life for Filipinos. So how about you? How do you understand Pancit?

Ricky 08-01-05 (Sat) 5:02

Pancit means long life, Leonor? Japanese noodle also means long life. Because I ate Pancit at New Year’s day, this year will be another good one to me.

Leonor 08-01-05 (Sat) 19:42

Hello Ricky! Well, that’s same thing we believe. I hope we’ll live 100 years. Have a nice weekend!

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