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  • 2007-12-27 (Thu) 9:54
  • Uncategorized



Good day to all blog viewers! How are you there? This a group of friends like to go out at night. But what do you think they do as they are outside. They like of smoking and drinking liquors as almost teenagers do. Tequilla for ladies drink and Red Horse for guys…yes I know because my cousins usually go out at night together of her friends. By the way, what drinks do you like?

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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 07-12-29 (Sat) 10:39

Aloha, Leonor!
Oh, boy. This pic reminds me omise in Japan. I don’t care what drink is served if these young ladies sit beside me.

Leonor 07-12-29 (Sat) 11:30

Aloha ricky! how are you? Beautiful girls beside you is absolutely terrific. Others surely get envy to you. By the way, a glass of juice will be ordered for them. Have a nice day!

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