Home > Uncategorized > 料理クラス


  • 2007-11-26 (Mon) 11:45
  • Uncategorized



Hello blog viewers! How are you there? I hope all of you are doing fine. By the way, these are the chef cook of the class. They were all prepared for their dish to cook. if you are a cook, of course there is also rules and regulations to follow. One must have a complete uniform to avoid contamination of dirt to the food being cook. And the most important is that no wearing of jewelries while cooking. These are only two pointers I want to share to you ,of course there are still many.I hope you are doing the right thing.

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Comments (Close):2

fisher 07-11-27 (Tue) 17:58

Hello leonor.
Hygiene is the very important for cooking as you say. And good taste and good looking and good nourishment are also important. But I think, most important for cooking is love. Am I right?

Leonor 07-11-28 (Wed) 19:25

Hello Fisher! That’s the most brilliant idea you have! When there is love of cooking, satisfaction guarantees! The dish will be perfectly cook! You hit the best technique of cooking! Thanks Fisher!

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