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ロシアン セッティング

  • 2007-11-16 (Fri) 8:58
  • Uncategorized


こんにちは!元気ですか?学生は、テーブルセッティングについて、興味があります。先生が見本を見せていますが、学生達は熱心に聞いています。彼らにとって、役に立つからです。写真は、ロシアン セッティングです。写真のような構成となります。これがフォーマルセッティングです。

Hello blog viewers! How are you today? By the way, these are students eager and interested to learn about table setting. As the teacher demonstrating it, students concentrated very much. Because they know it will help them. Take a look at the table setting, do you know what setting is this? This is called “Russian” setting. You need 3-4 plates, 3 spoons, 3 forks, 3 knives, soup spoon, dessert fork and dessert spoon, water goblet, 2 wine glasses, cup and saucer, table napkin, soup with underliner. Except of bread plate and butter spreader. Very easy to set up all of this utensils needed, try to familiarize the position and just follow the tips yesterday. Have a nice day!

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Comments (Close):2

fisher 07-11-17 (Sat) 23:49

Hello leonor. I heard a word of the ‘Russian setting’ at your blog first time. Is it popular in the Philippines? Have you eaten Russian dishes? Do you like it?

Leonor 07-11-21 (Wed) 20:07

Hello Fisher! I mean Russian setting is a type of table setting primarily of Russia. For me this is not popular here coz this is Philippines. Never tasted it yet. If I will be given the chance, I will try its dishes.

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