Home > Uncategorized > マリーゴールド


  • 2007-11-10 (Sat) 20:55
  • Uncategorized


こんにちは!元気ですか?また別の花を、アップロードします。これは、マリーゴールド イエローです。花びらはとても小さいです。艶やかな色で、元気になれます。ガーデンプラントでは、とてもポピュラーな花です。100ペソです。バスケットに入れて飾ります。

Have a good day blog viewers! How are you today? By the way, this is another kind of flower I’d like to post . This flower is called marigolds yellow, its petals is very compact. They distinguish these flowers as somewhat cheerful because of lightly colors that varies. And it blooms charmly on their own. These flowers are most popular in the garden plants. If you’d like to buy a flower arrangement for decoration, a simple one is cost P100. A small size of basket that flowers decorated in it.

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Comments (Close):3

fisher 07-11-11 (Sun) 0:41

Hello beautifull lovely human flower! I want to decorate that flower in my basket. Do you know japanese proverb saying , a beautifull flower has its thorn. May be you also have thorn di ba? 😀

Anonymous 07-11-11 (Sun) 16:45

Hello fisher! You’re right! Thorn for me could be worst experience but i already surpassed them. Life be more beautiful because of these thorn. Do you agree with me?

fisher 07-11-11 (Sun) 23:11

Hi leonor. Good evening. How are you? Yes I agree with you. But the original meaning of the japanese proverb is like this…
if a man is charmed by a beautiful flower and approaches it, he will experience a pain with its thorn.

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