Home > Uncategorized > マスカラダンサー


  • 2007-10-26 (Fri) 20:58
  • Uncategorized



Have a good day blog viewers! How are you today? This is a group of masskara dancers waiting for their turn to perform. They were just in the corner grouping themselves. They had a long trip of parade around the downtown area of Bacolod. From lagoon going to the downtown area, the distance is about 2kms away.You could see on their faces a mixture of excitement and tired. Others also were hungry. So, what would be their performance will you expect after they done the parade?I hope they could re-energize their selves to perform well.

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Comments (Close):2

多摩 07-10-27 (Sat) 10:13

good morning! I came here after net surfing. This time I visited cebu and styaed there for 2 week and wrote the memory of my trip in blog.

I am very much interesting in visiting Bacolodo but this time I could not go there. Bacolod seems once big town due to sugar industry and old church is very famous and I wish to visit there next time.

leonor 07-10-27 (Sat) 11:59

Hello Tama! Thank you for posting a comment. You’re on the wrong time, why you did not prefer to come here this october? Don’t you know that Bacolod Festival is this month. i wish you can come here to celebrate next year Bacolod Festival, for sure you will enjoy very much!

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