Home > Uncategorized > Charlotte


  • 2007-10-11 (Thu) 8:35
  • Uncategorized


こんにちは!元気ですか?ブログランキングが上昇してるので、嬉しいです。ブログを見て頂いてありがとうございます。最近コンピューターの調子が悪くてアップデート出来ませんでした。今日はもう大丈夫です。写真の彼女、名前はCharlotte 18歳 バコロッド市の大学生です。彼女の趣味は、ダンス、歌う事、チャットです。他の女の子もそれは好きですね。また、彼女はフレンドリーです。貴方は、彼女の友達になりますか?

Have a great day blog viewers! How are you there? I hope all of you are doing fine. By the way, it’s nice that my ranking of doing this blog is up. For you viewers I would like to thank you again. Sorry if I am not updated with my blog last day due to computer problem. But today, very ok already.
This lady named Charlotte, 18 years of age, studying in University of St. La Salle Bacolod City. Her hobby is dancing, singing, and chatting. Like other girls, usually they have in common. She likes to meet new faces. Obviously she is a friendly one. How abou you?

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