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  • 2007-10-03 (Wed) 9:33
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こんにちは!元気ですか?貴方は、The Ministry of Latter Day Saintsについて何かしっていますか?クリスチャンのグループで、一軒一軒家を回ります。彼らはそれが、神に仕える方法だと信じています。それが、人を救えると信じています。彼らは死ぬまでそれを続けます。食べ物、飲み物をとらず儀式を行ないます。カトリックとは違います。クリスチャンは神は1人だけ、ジーザス クライシスが救世主だと信じています。

Have a good day blog viewers! How are you today? Do you have any background about The Ministry of Latter Day Saints (Mormon)?These are the group of Christians and they do door to door ministry. They believe that through this efforts and pursuits they driven will approve to God and give them reward. And also this is the way of salvation. Their works are ongoing as well right up to death. They have also their own temple ceremonies, avoiding certain foods or drinks and beliefs. Very far from Catholics. But the main point of view here, is that all Christians do believe in One God Only and that is Jesus Christ Our Savior.

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Comments (Close):2

JUN 07-10-03 (Wed) 22:21

Hello. I am jun, live in japan.
Sometimes I am reading this page of you.
Could I ask you something ?
Sorry, I cannot speak English well.
Are you a student for nurse ?

and, “Mormon”
Left side girl is beautiful.
who is she ?

Leonor 07-10-04 (Thu) 21:45

Hello Jun! This is your first time posting your comment to me. How nice coz you have the courage to post it. Thank you anyway. By the way, this is my second course of study. I was graduated before of Bachelor of Science in Commerce major in Information Management. And now here I am again still studying of another course.
Well, that girl on the left side is my sister. If you reviewed my blog, you will see her from one of my comments there. Thank you again!

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