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  • 2007-09-23 (Sun) 23:04
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こんにちは!貴方のウィークエンドは如何ですか?この女の子は、friendsterにいます。名前はRealiza Ducanesです。バコロッド市のLifeline Health Institute の19歳の学生です。彼女と親しくなれば、彼女はスィートですよ。彼女はチャーミングで勉強熱心です。真面目に勉強しています。よく分かります。試験で彼女は高い点をとります。彼女が友達で鼻が高いです。

Have a good day blog viewers! How is your weekend? This lady is very fanatic to her friendster web. Her name is Realiza Ducanes, student of Lifeline Health Institute of Bacolod City. 19 years of age and residing in E.B.Magalona Negros Occidental. She is a very sweet girl if you are close to her. Very charming and studious. Why studios? coz she is serious to her study and I could prove it, she has high scores in quizzes and exams. I am proud of her being my friend.

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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 07-09-24 (Mon) 8:15

Aloha, Leonor!
You have a nice friend, don’t you? I think Realiza is also proud of being your friend. Have a nice day.

Leonor 07-09-24 (Mon) 19:32

Hello Ricky! Good evening! How are you? By the way, thank you for posting your comment. Well, she’s a nice girl..definitely she is proud of me. I hope you had a friend who’s so proud of you also.

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