Home > Uncategorized > Quantum


  • 2007-09-09 (Sun) 10:49
  • Uncategorized



Have a pleasant day to all of you blog viewers! How are you today? This is one of the amusement place in Robinson’s Mall. Quantum which we called is the center of gaming where everyone have great time enjoying themselves. Such as these students after exam, they relaxed themselves through going to this place. They wanted to relax their mind from the pressure in school. Window shopping and playing games in the amusement could help them to take out the stress. Do you agree with this, guys?

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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 07-09-10 (Mon) 1:48

Aloha, Leonor! How are you doing?
What kind of games does it have?

Leonor 07-09-10 (Mon) 19:44

Aloha Ricky! I am fine. How about you? Well, there are lots of games such as dancing revo, space impact games like what we seen in computer games, sport games also and many others.

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