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Blowing fast of paper

  • 2007-08-20 (Mon) 11:11
  • Uncategorized


こんにちは!投稿したゲームに興味ありますか?子供の為のゲームは沢山あります。別のゲームを紹介します。”Blowing fast of paper”です。それぞれ5人から8人で3つのグループに別れます。順番に紙を吹いて動かします。一番早かったグループが勝ちます。このゲームを、知ってますか?

Hello blog viewers! How is the first day of your work? Are you interested of games I posted? Actually, there are many games for kids, today I will give you another game and this is calle “Blowing fast of paper”. The game master will create 3 groups composed of 5-8 members each. The first person on the line will be the one to do the first thing, he will blow fastly the paper in the string reaching to the end of the string, after it he/she will handle the paper return to the top. Then the second person will follow the same thing did by the first player, until it reaches to the last player. The first group who can finish early will be the winner. Is this game new to you?

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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 07-08-21 (Tue) 6:21

Aloha, Leonor!
I know this game but I’m not good at it because I have poor lung-power. Have a nice day!

Leonor 07-08-21 (Tue) 21:29

Aloha Ricky! Hmmnn…I know, you have no reserve oxygen to blow. Hehehe! Maybe you smoke too much.
Smoke once a day is the best.

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