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Floral Decorations

  • 2007-06-28 (Thu) 8:37
  • Uncategorized



Have a pleasant day blog viewers! How are you today? I hope all of you are doing fine. By the way, during special occassions we know that to have a good ambience, we actually do something that is decorating the venue. Like an event as important must be enhanced by a floral decorations of equal elegance. You will agree that flower decorations play a very pivotal role and form an integral part of every occassion. And this is true. Just like the picture I posted, this is an example of flower being decorated and display in the middle of table as it adds to be more creative. Don’t you think so?

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Comments (Close):3

hiroaki 07-06-28 (Thu) 18:36

Hi, Leonor. Yes, I agree with you that the flowers play a very important role both in special occassions and even in routines. But you know that each flower has its own beauty, and I think we need to adore each of them. In my small garden I grow several kinds of flowers and I enjoy watching them every day. Do you grow some?

Leonor 07-06-28 (Thu) 22:46

Hello Hiroaki! good evening to you! Here in our house we have a garden/backyard, we have growing flowers. We see to it that they grow because they are ones that beautifies our house. As same as the decorations here inside our house is almost flowers being put in a vase. Have a nice day!

hiroaki 07-07-02 (Mon) 12:03

Sounds great! Your bahay must be very charming.Thank you for the reply lagi.

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