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Farewell Party

  • 2007-05-22 (Tue) 9:24
  • Uncategorized



Good evening blog viewers! How are you today? I hope all of you are doing fine. By the way, all of us have group of friends. I hope you do. It is sad when someone will leaving from the group and we Filipinos before he/she leaves, we use to prepare a farewell party. This is very common to all, for the last day, we gathered altogether and make the last bonding with our friends, we make the most of it. Enjoying the company because time will come to separate our ways and on this way even just for a while we celebrate the friendship.Do you also celebrate farewell party?

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Comments (Close):2

matsumoto hiroaki 07-05-25 (Fri) 13:19

Yes, we have a farewel party in Japan. Usually held at a Jananese style dinning bar called “Izakaya” in the evening. It must be quite different from ones in the Philippines. By the way, it is my first time to post a message on a blog. However, I’ve been enjoying your blog for quite a long time. Thank you very much.

Leonor 07-05-26 (Sat) 16:33

Hello Matsumoto hiroaki! Thanks for spending your time reading with my blog…I am so grateful! Hope you will continue to read it. Goodluck to you!

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