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Buko Salad

  • 2007-05-12 (Sat) 11:36
  • Uncategorized


こんばんは!元気ですか?今日の写真はフィリピン人の好きなデザートです。”Buko Salad”です。クリーミーで甘いサラダです。パーティーとかでよく出てきます。レストランでは40ペソから70ペソくらいで食べられます。私は家でよくこれを食べます。貴方も如何ですか?

Have a pleasant evening blog viewers! How are you today? By the way, this picture I posts today is one of the favorite dessert of most Filipinos. This is what we called “buko salad” the creamier, tastier, sweeter salad of the Philippines. In special occassions you can see this among parties, this is always being prepared. But in the restaurant, one serve is costs from P40 to P70. When I go back at home, I usually bought this one coz I enjoyed eating it. How about you? What dessert do you like most?

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Comments (Close):3

Ricky 07-05-13 (Sun) 3:40

Aloha, Leonor!
This buko salad looks sweet. My favorite dessert is halo-halo. Have a nice weekend.

Leonor 07-05-26 (Sat) 16:41

Aloha Ricky!Bukos salad is really sweet…good for dessert but the difference with halo-halo is that halo-halo has an ice cream. try buko salad, you will like it.

Leonor 07-05-26 (Sat) 16:45

Aloha Ricky! Sorry for my late reply. I didn’t noticed your comment…Nice reading with my blog again!

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