Home > Uncategorized > Nun


  • 2007-04-11 (Wed) 9:32
  • Uncategorized



Good evening blog viewers! There is something new in my blog, its time to get a discussion in some religious aspect. Have you ask a question why do nuns wear veil? Ever since they wear it as a symbol of being a conservative figure and all of the Catholic faithful, nuns are also talented they are not just in religious active individuals but also possess a great singing talent. All of it is what they prepare during the time in the monestary.
Do you know a nun? Or have you met a nun?

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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 07-04-12 (Thu) 3:42

Yes, I have. Let me ask you a question. Is there any difference between nun and sister?

Leonor 07-04-12 (Thu) 19:05

Aloha ricky! It’s almost same…but sister itself has a lot of meaning, the way you use it.

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