Home > Uncategorized > SMバコロッド


  • 2007-03-13 (Tue) 0:38
  • Uncategorized


今晩は!この写真はアジアで最も大きいモールSMのです。一番大きいのはマニラにあるSM モール オブ アジアです。バコロッドにもSMがオープンしました。オープニングには沢山の人が来ました。ノース、サウスウイングの2つの建物があります。建物は1階建てです。バコロッド市の買い物客には大変良い場所です。SM聞いた事がありますか?大きいですよ。

Have a pleasant evening blog viewers! This is a picture of SM one of the most outstanding malls throughout Asia. The biggest mall SM has is the SM mall of Asia in manila, they also have malls in ilo2x,cebu and lately in Bacolod. During the opening many people came. It has two buildings the North and South Wing. These buildings does not have a second floor for it is in a reclaimation area, but nevertheless the area is very suitable for the Bacolod Shoppers. Have you heard of SM? It stands for super mall.

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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 07-03-13 (Tue) 19:10

Aloha, Leonor! How are you?
Yes, I’ve heard of it. It’s famous, isn’t it? I can’t imagine how big it is.
By the way, why do women love staying in a shopping mall for so long time?

Leonor 07-03-15 (Thu) 23:01

Good evening Ricky! How are you?Why women love staying in a shopping mall? Well, you know women likes window shopping. Sometimes, the reason is that we go together with the family for shopping and relaxation as well. Have a nice evening! Aloha!

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