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Mt Kanlaon

  • 2007-03-07 (Wed) 23:33
  • Uncategorized


こんばんは!元気ですか?この写真は活火山の噴火口の写真です。ネグロスのMt Kanlaonです。西ビサヤでは有名な火山です。至る所に写真のような場所があります。この火山は70年前に噴火しました。硫黄が含まれています。

Good evening blog viewers! How are you? I hope all of you are fine.This picture is taken from the sulfur exhaust of an active volcano,Mt.Kanlaon in Negros Occidental. It is a major Mountain Volcano in the Western Visayas. Its exhaust can be found almost anywhere in nearby streams and mountain resorts. This Mountain-Volcano has erupted already about 70 years ago. Its sulfur exhaust is one of the minerals that can be had into various products.

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