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  • 2007-01-25 (Thu) 8:59
  • Uncategorized


おはようございます! 今日は料理している写真です。簡単な料理です。家族や友達と私が料理した料理を食べることで、より親密になれます。家族や友達と食事する事は良い事です。貴方は料理に興味がありますか?

Have a pleasant morning blog viewers! Today, i posted this picture because this is what I cooked. For the reason of just simply cooking. A lot of my friends and my family got together to eat what I cooked in this way I was able to share my blessings with them and also have bonding. Eating together with family and friends is one way of making them feel they are special. And a lot of the like my dish. How about you? Are you interested of cooking also?

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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 07-01-25 (Thu) 17:31

What are you going to cook with these ingredients, Leonor? I can see shrimp, green wasabi, and square pizza toast.

Leonor 07-01-26 (Fri) 12:15

hello Ricky! Ohayoo! There is no shrimp there..that is pastillas, kutsinta and cassava cake…cassava cake is made up of ingredients of grind cassava , butter and condensed milk, while kutsinta is made up of flour, egg, sugar, food coloring, milk and a cheese. And lastly, pastillas is made up of mild powder, butter and condensed milk. Have a nice day!

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