Home > Uncategorized > バナナ


  • 2007-01-23 (Tue) 8:46
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こんばんは!お元気ですか?このバナナはアルカリ成分が含まれます。12本くらいのバナナの束が有ります。品質の良いものはフィリピンから輸出されています。フィリピン人は、バナナが好きです。沢山の種類や色のバナナがあります。これは”Lakatan”と呼ばれるグリーンバナナです。小さいものは”Senoritas”とかDwarf Bananasと呼ばれます。1キロ30ペソ位です。Senoritasは15ペソ以下です。フィリピンのバナナを食べてみて下さい!!!

Good evening blog viewers! I hope all of you are doing fine. This banana is a good source of potassium. Usually in a bunch there are 12 bananas or more. Good quality bananas that are exported came from the Philippines. Many Filipinos like to eat banana because of its distinctive taste. There are many various kinds of bananas and differ in color. Just like this one, colored green banana is called “Lakatan”. While the small one are called “Senoritas” or dwarf bananas. 1 kilo costs P30 but senoritas is cheaper than lakatan only costs P15. Why won’t you discover more bananas here in Philippines!? Try to eat banana!!!

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