Home > Uncategorized > 大晦日です


  • 2006-12-31 (Sun) 13:33
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こんにちは!元気ですか?多分皆さんはニューイヤーイブで忙しいでしょうね?良いお年でありますように。この女の人を覚えていますか?クリスマスパーティーのスターです。彼女のアクセサリーはユニークです。最初のクリスマスパーティーではLike a virgin を踊りました。出席した人は彼女のジョークを楽しみました。彼女のような事が出来ますか?


Good afternoon blog viewers! How are you today? Maybe a lot of you are busy tonight waiting for the New Year’s Eve! May you have fruitful years to come. By the way, do you remember this lady? She was the star of the night during our Christmas Party, why? because she had the unique accessories she’s wearing. How do you find her? She performed on our 1st Christmas party, like a virgin…You know you will enjoy with her company coz’ she’s a joker. How about you? Can you make me to smile like what she’s doing? Have a blessed New Year to all! Yoroshiku Oneggaishimasu!

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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 07-01-01 (Mon) 2:21

Happy holidays and New Year, Leonor!
Thanks for providing us interesting topics.

Leonor 07-01-02 (Tue) 22:40

Aloha Ricky! Thank you for posting your comment, rest assured that the incoming comments that i will post will be more interesting.

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