Home > Uncategorized > 忘年会?


  • 2006-12-28 (Thu) 23:37
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こんばんは!元気ですか?ところで、今夜は2006年ミスフィリピンを紹介します!!!へへへ???冗談です。本当はPLDTの会社のエージェンシーです。8周年のアニバーサリーです。バコロッドのPLDTのFASTLINE エージェンシーは信頼性の高い電話やインターネットコネクションを提供しています。FAST LINE エージェンシーのメンバーです。

Have a pleasant evening to all of you blog viewers! I hope all of you are in good condition. By the way, I would to like to present to you tonight the contestants for Miss Philippines 2006!!! He!he!he!Just kidding… the truth is , they are the csf agents of fastline under the company of PLDT. This is the night of celebrating the 8th anniversary of this agency, as much as the PLDT in Bacolod had existed the FASTLINE agency had contributed a lot in having many clients, and they provide house to house service, the FASTLINE agency brings to the clients door steps the comfort of service of having a reliable telephone line or an Internet connection. And they are the girls behind the Fastline agency…Have a nice evening!

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