Home > Uncategorized > 電話料金


  • 2006-12-08 (Fri) 0:51
  • Uncategorized


こんばんは!元気ですか?歳の終わりには、好きな人からギフトを受け取ります。会社ではどうでしょうか?私達の会社では、レギュラーの電話を使っているお客さんに新しい電話を贈ります。そのお客さんが家族やビジネスパートナーに連絡するとき使えるギフトです。もし電話料金を払っていないと、それはありません。”No bill no directory”です。彼の様にルールを守りましょう。

Good evening blog viewers! How are you today? As the year ends, we receive gifts from our loved ones. But what about in a company!? Is there a gift also from it? Let us take the example of a customer-company relationship. Well, the fact is the company gives or produces a new telephone directory for customers those who are having a regular or postpaid telephone lines. For them this is a gift because they need it to contact family friends, co-business partner, and many other. But you will not be given if you don’t presented your telephone bill. Take note, “No bill no directory”. Like with him, he is following the rule. Have a nice day!

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