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パンシット マラボン

  • 2006-11-12 (Sun) 15:26
  • Uncategorized

こんばんは!ウィークエンドはどうですか?私達は、パンシット マラボンを楽しんでいます。これはマニラにあるバラボンのフィリピンオリジナル料理です。ビーフン、パンシット グァイサド スパゲティーに似ています。パンシットマラボン、フィリピン人特にマラボンの人、笑顔の街バコロッド、はスパイシーで辛いこの料理が好きです。ダウンタウンの小さいチャイニーズ コミュニティーでパンシット マラボンの店があります。なんでそこに集まっているのかは分かりません。ゆでた麺にスペシャルソースを入れます。1人分は、60ペソです。大きいサイズは260ペソです。貴方は、どんなスパイシーな料理が好きですか?

Good evening blog viewers! How’s your weekend? Let us enjoy the Pancit Malabon.This is a Filipino food originated in Malabon, one place from Manila… that’s why it is called pancit Malabon. Looks like similar to other filipino food like Bihon or Pancit Guisado or even Spaghetti.But the diffference of Pancit Malabon is that it has a hot and Spicy touch that is much loved by the Filipino people especially in Malabon, here in the City of Smiles, Bacolod the most tasty Pancit Malabon can be found in downtown area near a small Chinese community. They serve a one of a kind Pancit Malabon, I dont know precisely there ingredients but i know there is a special kind of sauce mixed to its noodles during the boiling process.This food has a price of only 60 pesos,, single serving but for 4 and more servings the prices up also to 260 pesos. Do you have also secrets how to cook a special dish?


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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 06-11-13 (Mon) 3:09

Aloha, Leonor.
My landlord cannot come back to Hawaii from the Philippines due to typhoon. How’s your place?
Anyway, I’ve never seen such a fancy food like this!

Leonor 06-11-13 (Mon) 8:01

Hello Ricky, Good morning! Actually, we are expeeriencing good weather here. So I enjoyed my weekend. The taste of Pancit Malabon is same as “palabok”. Do you know this one? Have a nice day!

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