Home > Uncategorized > 万聖節


  • 2006-11-02 (Thu) 0:18
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こんばんは!このブログはALL SAINTS DAYの事についてです。写真はセレブレーションが近づくと良く見る花屋さんです。色々な場所から花は運ばれてきます。バギオ、パンガシナン、近くからの花もあります。愛する人への不朽の愛を表します。花は小さいけれども大変意味のあるものです。私にはその花の名前が分かりません。どなたか知っていれば教えてください。アレンジフラワーは150ペソから280ペソ高い物で480ペソから500ペソです。この花はバスケットの中に入っています。

Good evening blog viewers, this blog celebrates the feast of All Saints Day. The picture depicts the market of flower which is commonly seen during the coming of the celebration. There are flowers came from different places, some are from Baguio,Pangasinan and some are local products of the province.These symbolizes the undying love for the love ones. Flowers are very significant to those who value the little things that life may offer.The most commonly used flower for decoration is the Morning Breathe.There are flowers here in the picture that I myself doesnt know the name.Can you please help me out with it? These well arrange flowers prices from 150-280 at most is at 480-500, but in this prices comes already with flower standframe or in the basket.

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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 06-11-02 (Thu) 9:26

Aloha, Leonor! Kumusta ka?
I have no idea about the name of these flowers. Did you enjoy Halloween party?

Leonor 06-11-02 (Thu) 19:10

Aloha Ricky, We don’t have any halloween party, only we have some of our friends went in our place to have some foods and drinks. It was quite fun… Good evening!

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