Home > Uncategorized > フィリピンの警察官


  • 2006-10-12 (Thu) 23:07
  • Uncategorized



Good evening blog viewers! How are you doing there? I hope all of you are doing fine. Today, maybe you will find not good my comment because it’s all about the police officers here in the Philippines. Police are one of the main line of the deployment of law, they are the ones who see to it that the law is abide, now a days it is not only for males that has the title of being a police but also ladies. There are a lot of things to sacrifice when you are a police whether your on a high or low rank official. Not all police are doing their job well, there are those whose intention are not good some are corrupt. They use their position in abusing others. They think they know everything regarding all the problem of the society but still they dont have the solution to it and everything is not really in order specifically in urban areas.

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Comments (Close):2

Jolly Roger 06-10-14 (Sat) 18:05

Hello,Miss Leonor !
Japan is at the climax in autumn.

There is the person who uses power for an evil deed in country of any place.
It is very sad.
However, we know people working for a weak person with a sense of duty hard.
Let’s believe it. Will be careful individually. We hope a bad thing fade away from the world.

God bless you always !

Leonor 06-10-14 (Sat) 20:50

Good evening Jolly Roger! How are you? Well, as time passes by everyday, society becomes more evil. Why evil? Is poverty is the reason of this evilness? I hope people of same race should unite and cooperate to lessen evilness. Thank you for your comment by the way! Take care and God bless you!

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