Home > Uncategorized > ‘06.10マスカラフェスティバル5


  • 2006-10-10 (Tue) 22:41
  • Uncategorized


こんばんは!元気ですか?私のブログ ランキングが15位に今なっています。読んでくれてありがとうございます。毎日フェスティバルのイベントを紹介しています。色々な事が準備されます。パレードのための準備、サーカス、ブース、キオスク等が街に出ています。この写真はLonggong とItcha bienchingoです。このゲームは沢山の商品があります。勝てば10ペソが1,500ペソにもなります。ただ、選ぶだけです。主催者次第で大きい額の賞金が手に入るかもしれません。楽しいです。ウイナーになるかもしれません。

Good evening blog viewers! I hope all of you are doing well…same as my blog, its rank ing is now on 15, I am grateful to you viewers because most of you keep on reading it. By the way, I told you before that everyday I will show you another event about the festival. Well,as the festivity approaches a lot of preparations are being made. There are those programs that are prepared on the streets for the parade, some are in the circus and some are just preparing there booth or kiosk around the corner. As you can see in the picture there are a lot of native fair games. The one in the picture is what you called Longgong and the other one is the Itcha bienchingo.This games has a lot of prices that waits, imagine your 10 pesos can win as much as 1,500 pesos, only if you are good in making choices. It also depends on the capital of the organizer if how much you will win. It is so much fun and it can never be a loss in the part of the gamer. Try this and who knows you might be one of the bigtime winners.


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