Home > Uncategorized > バースデイカード


  • 2006-08-27 (Sun) 6:43
  • Uncategorized



Good evening my dear blog viewers! I hope all of you are doing fine. When a person has a birthday, what is the usual gift you gave? Don’t you know that giving cards on special occasions is one of Filipino’s best thing done. It signifies the thoughtfulness of us. This is the another way we express our inner feelings and thoughts for the one we care, how we are grateful to them and treasured them the times we spent. A card is not just a paper but it carries a message from the inner soul/self. It has an intangible gift of happiness to whom it will be given. Though its cheap yet the thoughts being delivered here is priceless and the memory will last forever.

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Comments (Close):6

Maz 06-08-27 (Sun) 12:36

Hi, Leonor! I hope you are fine. In Japan giving cards is not as popular as in Philippines. But your article on giving cards in Philippines makes me impressed. As you wrote in your article, you can surely tell your feelings to your friends. Now I feel like giving many more cards to my friends.

Leonor 06-08-27 (Sun) 19:03

Hi Maz! I am fine. Thank you coz you appreciated my comment very much. Somehow I given you idea about the card and thoughts of words is more than a gift. Don’t you think so?

Maz 06-08-28 (Mon) 11:32

Good morning, Leonor! I hope you are doing OK. Yap, I really think so. But I have to go. I’m sorry my comment is not enough this time.

Leonor 06-08-28 (Mon) 19:14

Good evening Maz! I am doing fine and I ‘m quite busy today on my job. How about you? I hope you are fine also… Have a nice time!

S生 06-09-10 (Sun) 8:06


Leonor 06-09-13 (Wed) 19:20

Hello S生 ! Good evening to you! This is my first time I encounter you and I am glad you are reading my blog. If you don’t mind, how many of you will come here? Is it ok with you if I accomodate you? I can speak Nihongo. Here in Negros, Cojuangco mango plantation is very famous…Have you been in here?

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