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  • 2006-08-18 (Fri) 0:06
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こんばんは!お元気ですか?この写真を紹介します。彼女はアニー カロデロン、PLDTの一時雇用のスタッフです。PLDTを知っていますか?フィリピン ロング ディスタンス テレフォン カンパニーです。フィリピンで1番のテレコミニケーションの会社です。彼女の仕事は、PLDTの使用者のアップデートと縁コードです。顧客の情報をコンピューターに入力する作業です。それが彼女の仕事です。午前8時から12時まで、1時間のランチタイムのあと午後5時までの仕事です。彼女は、音楽をききながら仕事を楽しんでいます...どう思いますか?仕事に集中出来ますか?

Good evening my fellow blog viewers! How are you doing there? I hope all of you are fine. Are you familiar with her job? Well, if you don’t know, let me tell you about it. She is Annie Calderon, a temporary service order creator employee of PLDT. Do you know PLDT? Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company, the first and the best telecommmunication company of the Philippines. Her job is to encode and updates subscribers of PLDT. As her duty when she does encoding of the customer information automatically the computer generates an account no., service order no. and telephone no. for the subscribed customer…and this customer information sheet will go on to different staging such as await payment, jumperin and the last stage is the installation of phone lines. All of these is just a short description of her job. Her job start at 8am until 12noon then, 1 hour lunch break and start to work again by 1pm to 5pm. She enjoys her work because there is a sound system beside her…he!he!he! What do you think?Could she concentrate from her job???

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

Comments (Close):2

tsuruto 06-08-18 (Fri) 19:10

<She enjoys her work because there is a s ound system beside her…

こんばんは Leonor! I am 都留都^^


明日も幸せな日でありますように. おやすみ

Leonor 06-08-19 (Sat) 0:47

Hello Tsuruto! Have a nice evening! You want me to teach you??? It is better and more understandable if we are on actual situation…he!he!he! Are you willing to learn also??? By the way, she is truely working…can’t you see obviously her face is serious doing it. Good night!

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