Home > Uncategorized > ジャックフルーツ


  • 2006-08-09 (Wed) 23:55
  • Uncategorized



Good evening to you my fellow blog viewers! How are you doing there? I hope all of you are doing well even busy at work. Here is one of my favorite fruit, do you know this one? The biggest fruit in the Philippines. Taste so sweet and you can make a candy out of this fruit. This fruit is no other than “Jackfruit”, in Hiligaynon you just name it as”Langka”. The whole fruit costing up to P250 and when it comes to candy, you can buy by pack for as much as P10-P20. If you are not familiar about this kind of fruit, I am telling you, its color is yellow. It has seeds inside the fruit. And if you want to know more, you better buy this one!!!

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Comments (Close):2

Jolly Roger 06-08-10 (Thu) 21:24

Hello,Miss Leonor ! Thank you for always pleasant blog.

Many things are got blocked in this blog for a short period of time. I read from old order. Various things of a tale, such as people’s lifestyle, religion, etc., are subject matters. Completely, it gets used to the feeling which I myself am traveling. I was impressed very much. It is the treasury of food, especially fruit. I want to go to the Philippines right way. I am looking forward to information at real time from now on .

Leonor 06-08-10 (Thu) 21:38

Hello Jolly Roger! It has been a long time i never heard about you. How are you? Are you really interested in Philippines? I have notice that you are so curious to know about Philippines. This week Philippines is experiencing typhoon, travel from airplane is dangerous. I hope you enjoy the summer there. Have a nice day! Please keep on reading my blog! Thank you once again!

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