Home > Uncategorized > PURE CHARACTER


  • 2006-07-31 (Mon) 22:37
  • Uncategorized



Hello blog viewers! Good evening to all of you! I hope all of you are doing fine. How’s their look??? Can they catch your attention??? “A smile that could captivate one’s heart”. A typical filipina look with simple personality and a loving heart that could share its love to others. A person who knows how to care their family and love ones that is the pure character of a real person. Especially when they love, whether it is a friend or a family. Have a nice day to all!!!

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Comments (Close):2

&xyz 06-08-03 (Thu) 17:12

Hi Leonor, how are you? Hope you have been doing fine…since the last time I posted my comment. BTW, those ladies look so fine and they have nice-sweet smile on their face as well! I am sure that you have a beautiful smile on your face2 and captivating a lot of men’s heart…he,he,he…Keep it up! Please take care, Leonor!

Leonor 06-08-03 (Thu) 23:47

Hello &xyz! I am fine…and you??? Well, talking about sweet smile, of course good feeling if you encounter or meet a beautiful lady with close up smile looking at you. An angelic face so called in short. Smiling makes you feel young at heart! He!he!he! Take care also!

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