Home > Uncategorized > フィリピンのアパート


  • 2006-06-14 (Wed) 22:09
  • Uncategorized


Hello blog viewers! Good morning to all of you! I hope all of you are doing fine there. Are you looking for a house or an apartment for rent??? Here is examples of pictures which you can clearly picture out what does it look likes… Bear in your mind when you are looking for a place to stay with is that you are comfortable enough on it. See to it that the place is clean, accessible to market, transportation, school and etc. In short, the location is in city proper but the problem on it is the rental cost because it ranges from 5,500-7,000 pesos…its expensive, don’t you think so???

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Comments (Close):2

TACKY 06-06-15 (Thu) 21:56

2 years ago I live in tondo. my apart was 15000 pesos. the room was so small 6M X 8M. I could not live so small. so I change the room soon. have a nice day!

Leonor 06-06-16 (Fri) 13:51

Hello Tacky! How are you??? Manila is the central part of Philippines so I agreed to you that rental of an apartment is more higher than the province…have a nice day!

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