Home > Uncategorized > ソファーでTV


  • 2006-06-01 (Thu) 16:43
  • Uncategorized

こんにちは! テレビを見る時は、くつろいでいますか?典型的なフィリピン人の娯楽は食べる、寝る、ショッピングそしてTVを見る事です。もし映画を観る予算がないなら、家にいるか、友達の家でTVの気に入った番組をスナックを食べながら観る事が出来るでしょう。気持ちよくTVが観れる場所は、ソファーです。でも一番いい場所は、台所です。キッチンには、食べ物があるからです。テレビを見ながら食べる事も出来ます。毎日そんな事をしていると、簡単に太ります。

Hello to all blog viewers! Good evening to all of you! I hope all of you are doing fine. Are you at ease when watching t.v.? A typical vacation for a Filipina is eating, sleeping, shopping, and of course watching t.v… If you don’t have budget for watching a movie, you can spend your time at home or at your friend’s house eating homemade fingerfoods while watching your favorite t.v. program… One of the comfortable places in watching t.v. is the sofa, another in the room, but best of all is in the kitchen…why? because there are foods stock in the kitchen, you can do both eating while watching t.v…You will easily get fat when doing this everyday!

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Comments (Close):2

TACKY 06-06-01 (Thu) 20:42

Oh, how a clean house!
getting wight is so easy, take care.

Leonor 06-06-01 (Thu) 23:02

Good evening Tacky! Maybe you are strict with regards to cleanliness of the house…I am right??? I hope you are like that! Take care too! Have a nice evening!

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