Home > Uncategorized > フィリピンのピーナッツ売り


  • 2006-05-09 (Tue) 20:02
  • Uncategorized


Hello blog viewers and good evening to all of you! Can you do like his job? Selling peanuts in the street starting from morning until afternoon, when he feels tiredness and feels hungry, he just pause for a while and find a carenderia or sari-sari store in the street, there he sit down, take a rest for a while and order a food so that he has the strength again to start selling…Peanuts can be buy with the minimum price of 5pesos. But if it in sari-sari store it costs 1 peso…retailed pack already. I like eating peanuts eventhough many said that it can cause pimples, with my experienced it never happened to me..my face still same and just a little bit oily. Is it true what they have said???

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