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パナアド サ ネグロス

  • 2006-04-30 (Sun) 17:00
  • Uncategorized

ネグロス地方はパナアド サ ネグロスと呼ばれるフェスティバルが今行われています。ネグロス オキシデンタルの全ての小さい町や市で色々な物が屋台で売られます。その町々の名産品をを売ります。例えばビクトリアスでは砂糖といわしの缶詰、カディスでは干物が売られています。バコロッドはチキンが有名です。多くの屋台でビジネスとしてその商品を売っています。

Negros is celebrating its annual festival named as Panaad sa Negros. All small towns and cities of Negros Occidental own kiosks and do some business…they sell different kinds of products where that place is producing bountiful goods. Different towns have own product that they are popular into…like for example victorias is known for its sugar and victorias canned sardines, cadiz known for dried fish (all kinds of dried fish) are being sell, bacolod known for chicken inasal, in its kiosk there is a refreshment and many others. They are business minded-people so anything will do just to have an income.

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