Home > Uncategorized > サリサリストアー


  • 2006-04-25 (Tue) 2:43
  • Uncategorized


Hello blog viewers! How are you today? Have you been in sari-sari store before? Do you have it in your place like this? Many goods are hanging in the screen… a simple sari-sari store but buyers are many. They sell at 5% increase from the exact price from the supermarket. Kids usually buy curls and candies, teenagers usually buy softdrinks and biscuits, adults buy canned goods as well as cigarettes and lastly old adults usually buy beers also cigarettes. If you have a sari-sari store like this in your area with many neighbors, everyday you can gain income for about 1,500 pesos from all your sales. Isn’t it an enough income for you???

にほんブログ村 海外生活ブログへ please click this banner? 

Comments (Close):6

Ricky 06-04-25 (Tue) 10:12

Aloha Leonor! How are u? I’m fine.
There are several grocery stores run by Filipinos in the neighborhood of our home. They sell Philippine products. Can I call them sari-sari stores? I buy beer and chicharon sometimes. I love them.

Leonor 06-04-25 (Tue) 12:46

Aloha Ricky! Yup that would you call sari-sari store…very convenience for you desho!Have a nice day!

くま 06-04-25 (Tue) 16:33


Leonor 06-04-25 (Tue) 20:39

Hi Kuma! konbanwa! link blog very ok desu…Arigato gozaimashita! Yoroshiku ne!

くま 06-04-26 (Wed) 23:41


Leonor 06-04-27 (Thu) 23:30

Ohayoo Kuma! Genki desuka? Suki desu ka Philippines? Firipin jin good desu yo, machigai nai…

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