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  • 2006-04-13 (Thu) 1:36
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When I see this beautiful ocean, it helps me to have a clear idea inside my mind, a stable decisions to make. And also for me, it represents tranquility and clearness. An ocean can relate also to our life. When I see big waves, it represents a struggle. A problem that needs to face, when we encounter this kind of waves, it is a challenge for us how we deal a problem. In this way, we becoming strong to face another challenge in our life. And life becomes colorful if we overcomes it.Thus, Ocean cannot be beautiful if no waves at all… don’t you think so?

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Comments (Close):3

&xyz 06-04-13 (Thu) 7:33

Good morning Leonor! Yes, I totally agree with you! Please enjoy the life as same as waves in the ocean… Have Happy Easter!

Ricky 06-04-13 (Thu) 13:22

Aloha!! I also agree with you. As the African proverb says, “Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors.”

Leonor 06-04-13 (Thu) 22:34

Hi &xyz and aloha Ricky! How are you today? We are celebrating the Holy Week, and almost we do fasting, my mind is empty…very hungry!water only serves as our food. It is the time for penitence.We stay only in house and cannot enjoy the summer vacation on the beach.

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