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Chinese Mestizas’


Good day to all blog viewers! How are you doing there? I hope all of you are doing fine. By the way, do you know Chinese Mestizas? Well, maybe this is your first time to heard about this words. But I use to call this for Filipino ladies having a half blood of Chinese. Mestizas because of their white skin. Hehehehe! I wish I am also mestiza like them. Have a good day!

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Comments (Close):2

jabez 09-06-14 (Sun) 2:49

gudday leonor! how is ur day again? wel hope for you… by the way all the girls (sisters ba sila? ) in the pic2r are SO beautiful-prettyies face head-to-feet!! very meztisas tlaga,, are you the one who took the pic2r for them?? i wish u can share and have one copy for me??..

leonor 09-06-14 (Sun) 23:02

Hello Jabez, i am fine as always…nope they are not sisters, just friends. Of course chinese mestizas are really pretty diba.

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