Home > Uncategorized > 停電


  • 2006-03-12 (Sun) 14:29
  • Uncategorized



It was about midnight already then I go to my nice bed and to sleep on. At that time silence in the compartment, filled with darkness then the cool breeze of air coming from aircon made my sleep comfortable. But 2 hours had passed, unexpected blackout happened…the cold was subside then the heat begins to grow… lambent of my sleep is distracted …sweat is in my bed…can’t have the sleep I once getting all because of that damn blackout. Of course, I don’t sleep at that time and I am awake from 3am to 5:30am, I continue to sleep when I transferred in the sofa and I let open the door so that I can breath a cool air coming from the outside…and I am so thankful because air is so kind, it blows inside. That time I have a good sleep. Blackout is one of the sickness here…

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Comments (Close):2

Ricky 06-03-13 (Mon) 6:12

Aloha, Leonor! How’s your schooling? I made it through the mid-term exam. Speaking of blackout, sometime it happens also in Hawaii due to the collapse of electric poles. They are made of wood! Can you believe that? I guess the same things happen in the Phillipines, you know?

Leonor 06-03-13 (Mon) 9:04

Aloha Ricky! Fine…How about you? yes, recently 1 electric pole was repaired in our area. It was about for 2 two days, and finished fixing it yesterday afternoon. So no hassle at all…

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